Sorry I've been absent for a couple of day. I'm back 5lbs (2.27kgs) heavier. But still back. Take me as I am, a fat ass. Let this song explain my feelings as of right now.
I let my period control me. I am all about control, and I let something else control me.... Something else that's not even living. I would definitely call that a new low. I was too ashamed to post or comment. I know that you all don't/won't judge me. But I didn't feel worthy to talk to any of you or receive any of the beautiful and inspiring comments you guys leave. So today I fasted minus this morning I had a bagel. That's what its like in this fatassery (said like bakery but instead with ass in front of it "ass"ery) I call my body. I eat bagels for breakfast in this fatassery. I miss life in the control panel. When I steered and controlled all. I will get there. Tomorrow is always a new day (positive girl in me cries out). Tomorrow will be a day in the control panel. No food just liquids..No bagels, leaving the fatassery in the dust times a'changin. Okay less hyper more focus.
I might of decided to change my major. I think I want to be a registered nurse? I think I could do it. They make a lot of money and right now money sounds fantastic because my father is being such a douche. Several months ago he said he was going to get my brakes fixed and he still hasn't done it and now hes telling me hes not going to. I can't afford it at all. I barely know how I am going to get to school tomorrow because I'm out of gas. Its frustrating. Possibly looking for future sugar daddy......not.
Tonight I had my heart set on doing some drunken karaoke at this bar but its not going to happen. Homework is calling my name. Stupid school. -_-
Now I need to catch myself up on all of your post and comments.
About Me
- Silhouette
- My name isn't important, I am here to vent, once a full time ana but now back to square one. I started to recover after my victory of 99. Recovering on my own which is never recommended, I wanted to rid myself of this disease and I did(or at least I thought i did). I loved food, I ate and ate. I loved the way my pallet would be able to taste ingredients so well. I became one of those people who was always D.T.E (down to eat). Until I started to notice more and more weight being put on. I stepped on the scale at my friends house, ( my mother hid the scale from me) and there it was a number I never heard of a whopping 183. I immediately hated myself. Now I'm back to my old ways, habits. I used to have a blog under the name Fading Figure.
Drunken karaoke for the win! Periods are evil, they are much harder to overcome than most living people. Don't be too down on yourself.
ReplyDeletegood song:)
ReplyDeleteWell I'm sorry about the gain but your right, your BACK! That's all that haven't gave up! I think the weight gain as alot to do with your period, so I wouldn't fret too much hun. Good luck with homework :/