About Me

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My name isn't important, I am here to vent, once a full time ana but now back to square one. I started to recover after my victory of 99. Recovering on my own which is never recommended, I wanted to rid myself of this disease and I did(or at least I thought i did). I loved food, I ate and ate. I loved the way my pallet would be able to taste ingredients so well. I became one of those people who was always D.T.E (down to eat). Until I started to notice more and more weight being put on. I stepped on the scale at my friends house, ( my mother hid the scale from me) and there it was a number I never heard of a whopping 183. I immediately hated myself. Now I'm back to my old ways, habits. I used to have a blog under the name Fading Figure.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Positive with a slight chance of negative post

Slight chance of negative:
Todays fast went to shit.
I don't want to talk about it.

- Today I went in for an interview at a restaurant called Joe's Crab Shack and got hired.
- I heard a lot of hot guys my age (19) work there
- I get to dance at my job and I'm a waitress
- I passed my math exam with a 74..wooot woot
- I have less then a month until I move out :)
- I am so excited and happy.

So things have started looking up for me.
Don't really feel like a real post today on account of I suck at fasting for some reason. Tomorrow I will take my adderall bright and early and then stay in bed until school and work after. This will help keep my focus on whats important..fasting... :)
came across this book:
I want to buy new books eeeekkk..I will make a list tomorrow of the books I want and maybe some of you can check them out and tell me if you've read it or read them along with me.
Oh and also I will have double the thinspo tomorrow and a better post :)

love you all, night!


  1. I love the oxymoronic title of the book! Good job getting hired! I hope that your first day goes well!! And I hope your fast doesnt go to shit!
    Think Thin Thoughts!

  2. Yay for positives! Yay for book lists! Yay for fasting! I will be fasting tomorrow too so we can send silent support to each other.

    Also, I loved Houston! I thought it was a lovely city, my favorite part was visiting the Menill Collection!

  3. Congratulations on the job find! How are you able to dance at your job?

  4. Oooo like a blog buddy book club!
